"If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools." - Confucius, "The Analects of Confucius. Lu Linggong"
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It took ays to compile a complete set of PHP resources. Please like it.

Published on 2024-11-08

It took ays to compile a complete set of PHP resources. Please like it.

Here is a collection of PHP resources I've compiled to help everyone find what they need without wasting time searching. I will update it weekly. If you find it useful, please give it a star ❤️. If you wish to share or reproduce it, please keep the source. Thank you! ?

PHP PSR Coding Standards

  • Official Site: www.php-fig.org
  • Original Document: github.com/php-fig/fig

PHP Resource List

  1. PHP Environment Deployment Tools:
    • Servbay
    • XAMPP
    • Homebrew

PHP Resource Sites

  • PHP Weekly
  • CodeVisually
  • PHP League
  • KnpLabs

Development Projects

  • FastAdmin - A rapid backend development framework based on ThinkPHP5 Bootstrap
  • Notadd - An open-source PHP framework based on Laravel and Vue
  • KiteCms
  • Flarum - A lightweight community platform developed with PHP and Mithril.js
  • PHPDish - A content community system developed on the Symfony framework

Comprehensive Projects

  • DuckChat - Private chat software
  • BookStack - A wiki-like platform for online book writing

PHP Frameworks

  • Slim
  • Flight - An extensible micro-framework for PHP
  • Bullet PHP - A micro-framework for building REST APIs
  • Aura - A collection of many components
  • Kohana - HMVC framework
  • Workerman - A PHP socket server framework
  • Ohsce - A high-reliability PHP communication and control framework using sockets
  • PPM - PHP Process Manager
  • ZPHP - A SOA service framework
  • appserver.io - A multi-threaded PHP application server
  • MeepoPS - A multi-process socket service
  • phpDaemon - An asynchronous framework for PHP
  • QPM - Quick PHP Process Manager
  • Zan PHP Framework - A network service framework based on PHP coroutines developed by the Youzan team
  • Swoole - A high-performance network communication framework for PHP
  • React - An asynchronous framework (PHP version of Node.js)
  • Zephir - A programming language for writing PHP extensions
  • Yaf - Yet Another Framework
  • APIx - A PHP AOP framework
  • Go! - A PHP AOP framework
  • ToroPHP - A micro routing framework
  • Fat-Free Framework


  • SmartWiki - A document tool that supports Markdown
  • Monolog - A logging library
  • Hoa - An extensible set of PHP libraries
  • Kanboard - A project management tool
  • Belt - A utility function library
  • PHP Sitemap Generator - A sitemap generation class
  • Array2XML - Convert arrays to XML
  • XML2Array - Convert XML to arrays
  • pChart - A chart generation library
  • PHP QR Code - QR code generation
  • Easybook - A book writing tool
  • hashids - Generate unique, non-sequential short IDs from integers
  • Particle - A unique ID generator
  • Pinyin - A tool for converting Chinese to Pinyin
  • Ratchet - Create real-time, bidirectional client-server WebSocket applications
  • JsonMapper - A library for mapping nested JSON structures to PHP classes
  • Macaw - A PHP routing class
  • FastRoute - A PHP routing class
  • Pimple - A dependency injection container
  • PHP-DI - A dependency injection container
  • Mobile Detect - A browser environment detection class
  • DeviceDetector - A browser environment detection class
  • PHP Cron Expression Parser - Crontab format parser
  • Box - Phar building tool
  • phpMyFAQ - FAQ application
  • hook - BaaS software
  • KodExplorer - A web-based file manager and code editor
  • ICEcoder - A web IDE (web-based code editor)
  • PHP-Parser - A PHP parser
  • PHPSandbox - A way to run PHP as a separate process
  • PHPCPD - A tool to find similar patterns in code
  • Ubench - A tool for measuring code execution efficiency
  • Text_Diff - A code file comparison tool
  • PHP Analyzer - Flow analysis that operates the same way as the compiler
  • apache2nginx - Online conversion of Apache configuration to Nginx configuration
  • Phproject - A project management system
  • php-mirroring - Packagist and GitHub mirroring
  • SocketLog - A debugging tool for WeChat, API debugging, and AJAX that outputs logs to the console in Chrome via WebSocket
  • ApnsPHP - iOS push notifications
  • php-socket-raw - A socket library
  • Faker - A fake data generator
  • Validation - A validation tool
  • Geocoder - A geocoding tool
  • Codiad - A web-based online IDE
  • Style-Guide-Boilerplate - A manual creation tool
  • PHP Humanizer - Data formatting (multi-language)
  • reCAPTCHA - Google reCAPTCHA library
  • UnifiedArchive - Compression/decompression tool
  • Diff - A PHP implementation of Diff
  • PHP-ML - A PHP machine learning library
  • Geotools - GEO geographic information tools
  • PHPBrew - PHP version and extension management tool
  • X-Prober - A PHP probe
  • Countries - World countries in JSON, CSV, XML, and YAML formats
  • PHP dotenv - PHP .env environment configuration management
  • ramsey/uuid - UUID generator
  • Linfo - Server stats UI/library


  • Amp - A non-blocking coroutine concurrency framework
  • Recoil - An asynchronous coroutine framework
  • Promise - A Promises/A implementation for PHP
  • Guzzle Promises - A Promises/A library for PHP with synchronous support

Frontend Related

  • PHP-CSS-Parser - A CSS parser implemented in PHP
  • Minify - JS and CSS minification tool
  • Munee - A PHP library with image resizing, CSS/JS merging/minification, caching, and more


  • Easy SMS - SMS sending component
  • PhpSms - SMS sending library
  • BotMan - A PHP library for building chatbots

File Management

  • Nextcloud Server - A private cloud service based on PHP
  • Cloudreve - A cloud storage system that supports multiple cloud storage providers

Text Processing

  • pangu.php - Automatically adds spaces to text
  • TOML parser for PHP - A TOML parser


  • PHP-Data-Structure-and-Algorithms - PHP Data Structures and Algorithms

Code Checking

  • PHPStan - A static analysis tool for detecting bugs in code
  • PHP_CodeSniffer - A coding standard checker for PHP/JavaScript/CSS
  • PHP-CS-Fixer - PHP code style fixer
  • PHPMD - PHP Mess Detector
  • PHPCheckstyle - Coding style checking software
  • GrumPHP - A code quality checking tool


  • CLImate - Better command line output
  • phpsh - PHP Shell
  • psysh - PHP Console
  • Boris - PHP REPL
  • CLIFramework - A CLI framework
  • console tool - A PHP command line application library

Error/Exception Handling

  • Whoops - Exception/error handling class
  • BooBoo - Exception/error handling class
  • PHP-Error - Error handling library

Debugging Tools

  • PHP Debug Bar - A debugging tool


  • phprs - A lightweight, JAX-RS-like, practical PHP framework
  • graphql-php - A PHP port of the GraphQL reference implementation
  • Dingo API - A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks
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